About G.E.B.S. GEBShelton

The author continues to exude small town charms experienced in his youth, yet he would claim said charms, to be as if witnessed by an outsider. Ostracized by the peer pressures of adolescence, he maintains a love for life, somehow nurtured through those experiences!

I’m not sure my sensitivities and my growing awareness of the beauties of individualities was noticed or appreciated then, yet I developed into a very caring soul. Oh, the perils and pearls of peer pressure; resilience, strength, perseverance, success!

I joke, in truthful ways, that I am one generation down from the plow – maybe two generations. Momma was a nurse and Dad built houses. Thus, I gained a profound understanding of humanity and learned how to see something before it was realized.

Through decades of nursing, from attendant to doctorate, I have had a part in most all healthcare roles. My skill set hasn’t been to be the expert in new knowledge or the state of the science, but to communicate to connect. We establish rapport within 90 seconds, or never! Empathy and sympathy are integral parts of being human. My creativity, a basic need and proponent of my being, is ever present and it directs me.

A child of the seventies, I guess, I’ve always felt the need to be in touch with oneself, to share, to speak out, to see the World around me, to offer up my support. Through self-reflection, we gain personal insight and discovery. Afterall, how can we help others, if we don’t know how to help ourselves.

Self-reflection is not for finding our flaws, but to help us map our journey. Are you conscious of your hopes and dreams and goals? Where do you go to find yourself? For me, it is the sea; not to swim in, but to float on. Water takes me away from and towards my beginnings and my endings.